It’s not Us.It’s God through Us.

7 minutes
Evan (A students from Cedar Tree Classical C.S.) draw this for me.

First, I want to thank you for all your prayers, the love and support I have received from you all. Without God and you, I wouldn’t be able to keep doing what I’ve been doing. So, once again thank you.

The Lord has been doing amazing things these past two months in Connections House and in my life. In February I was able to serve FMI(Foursquare Missions Internacional). During the week I was able to learn a lot from them. I was encouraged by them and made beautiful friendships. Even though it was a rainy week, nothing stopped them from learning and sharing the Gospel. The Lord used them to remind me that being obedient to His calling was the best decision I could ever make and that He was preparing something big for me.

The same month, I was able to translate some documents for Connections. I got involved in the church by going to some Bible studies during the week. I met new people and made new friends.

Last month, I was able to lead teams by myself. That means that I was leading them all the days they were staying with us. Praise the Lord for that. Even though I was scared, God’s protection and grace were over me. I was able to bring the team safely to Connections House and to the locations where they were going to do their outreach. Also, I was able to interpret most of the time.

The first team I led was Calvary Chapel Westgrove. During my time with them I had the opportunity to interpret my first Sunday church service at Calvary Chapel Homex. ¡WOW, WOW! I can only say that the Lord has been so good to me. During one of the outreaches with the team, I was able to share the Gospel alongside Esau (a leader of the team) to a young guy. He grew up in the church, but it was the first time He was hearing the Gospel. When we started sharing, he started crying. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I was able to pray for Him and the Lord did the rest of the work. That day he received the Lord as his Savior.

The second team was Watersprings Church from Idaho. They all have a big space in my heart. The first outreach we had together, I was able to talk to some of the incredible women from the team. The Lord was there in all our conversations. Their advice and testimonies were so encouraging to me. We got to serve S.O.W Ministries and CBI in Ensenada. We got to paint some rooms for the babies in the orphanage, clean weeds, put gravel for a driveway, etc. Even though the team was tired they were serving with a loving and joyful heart. It was awesome to see how the Lord was working with each of them.

In fact their leader “Shane” has been to Ensenada before and been to the same places where I have spent most of my life these past years. I still can’t believe how the Lord works. He brings people to your life at the right moment to remind you that he was preparing you for that moment before you even knew. Even though I went back to Ensenada and loved it, I was able to thank the Lord for all the good memories I had there and for what he was doing at that moment. It never crosses my mind to go back like I did that week. Serving the Lord and leading a team to bless these places in the city that I grew up in. That is all God’s mercy and grace.

With the team the Lord brought me back to the place (CBI, Ensenada) where I had my first encounter with Him as my personal Savior and my first touch with missions. He reminded me that His plans are always better and perfect in His timing. I was able to feel God’s love over me though this team.

The last team I led was Cedar Tree Classical Christians School. Two days before the team arrived, I was dealing with a lot of spiritual warfare (Discouraging thoughts about why I was at Connections until the point that I felt that I was not worthy to be there). But the Lord put incredible people to reach out to me and pray over me. The day before the team arrived my friend texted me and I invited her to church. She join me and the Lord just moved during the service. She was dealing with a lot of things, and I was able to pray over her. Even though I was feeling that I didn’t have a purpose in Connections, the Lord put my friend and later this team to remind me that He brought me to Connections not only to help with the teams, but to connect people to have a personal relationship with Him.

So, when the Christian School arrived, I was feeling better, and I felt God’s unconditional love through 7 of the students that we hosted that week. They were passionate, and brave enough to share the Bible with the kids with their little Spanish. They also walked with me to pray for people during our outreaches. I was able to make real connections with them like a family. During one of our outreaches, I was able to share my testimony with them; it was the first time I was sharing it to a big crowd like them. I feel very lucky and blessed to be part of what the Lord did in their life during their time here. The Lord reminded me that all the things I went through in the past were lessons and tools that I was going to use for that specific moment. I was able to see God in every situation we face. Again, God’s unconditional love and grace.

Finally, I had the opportunity to interpret a Women’s Bible study for a Church near Connections House. Even we learned a lot together. I was able to share the Gospel and 5 lady’s accepted the Lord as their savior. ¡All glory and praise to God!

The last two months have been very busy, but I have been able to grow more as a person and in my relationship with the Lord. God is doing a lot of good things through and in Connections. During all my different leadership roles the Lord has shown me that it is not about the teams or me but about Him in us.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

This Bible verse has been a reminder that when I was afraid of leading the teams, sharing my testimony, getting out of my comfort zone, etc., He was always with me. I was able to glorify God through my life and share His unconditional love to others.

Please, keep me in your prayers so that the Lord can glorify Himself more in my life. Thank you for taking the time to read this update and for joining in on the work that God has called me to!

With love and blessings, Yesenia (Yesi)

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Chula Vista, CA 91910

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